
+91 98150 10280

Swaraj Educational & Welfare Trust

The Trust was established and registered under Indian Trust Act 1882 on August 19th, 2015 by S. Swinder Singh Pannu-as a settler who has retired as Principal of an historic institution Guru Gobind Singh Khalsa Senior Secondary School- SARHALI- Dist. Tarn Taran (Punjab). Principal Swinder Singh Pannu served the education department for 35 years and at present serving as the Managing Trustee of the Mamta Niketan Convent School- Tarn Taran. The settler has set apart an amount of Rupees 1,00000 (one lakh only) as an initial contribution for applying it and the income thereof or by investment thereof or otherwise earned and acquired by this trust for educational, cultural, welfare and other charitable purposes.

The following are the trustees of the Trust and respective office bearers and contacts.

Mrs. Rajinder Kaur

Chairman of the Trust for life

Mr.Gagandeep Singh Pannu

Managing Trustee

Mrs.Rupinderjeet Kaur
